Search Tips
Don't include the words "electric" or "mandolin" in
your search, unless you want to spend all day looking at
results. There's nothing on this site but electric mandolins. |
If your search returns no results, try using fewer terms,
and make sure your spelling is correct.
A word about search engines: Contrary to popular belief,
the search engine doesn't search the entire site; it searches
an index of the site that is updated once a week. This is
analogous to searching a card catalog (remember those?)
instead of walking around the entire library looking for
a book.
Trouble is, I've discovered that the indexing/updating
process is far from foolproof—in other words, every week
I get an entirely new card catalog, and there's no guarantee
that it will be complete. So it's entirely possible that
you could find something today using the search engine,
then come back a week later and not find it. That
doesn't mean it's not here. I have worked very hard
to keep this site's tab/menu navigation system up to date,
and it, not the search engine, is the most reliable way
to find things. |
Are you searching for something or someone you know
about, just to see if I have it? Well, if I don't, kindly
about it. |